Love And Appreciate You

What thoughts do you project out to the universe each day? When you get up, what are you thinking? Do you think things like, “ohhh I am so tiredness” or “oh I hate my job”.
These types of thoughts set us up for the day we WILL have. So if you say your tired and do this continually you have created a pattern in your brain that recognises when you say this to yourself. Then in turn, tells your body that you are tired and guess what happens we become tied. I know I sure have done this heaps of times, until i recognised my pattern and really started to change these habits.
So what if we felt that way but we changed a few things. So rather than saying your tired, let’s trick the brain and say “wow I feel so energized today”, move about like you feel energized and bang the body starts to feel energized.
You can do this with almost anything in your life. This morning I heard myself say, “oh wow I have so much to do” and then I said I have a wonderful list and will work thought it like a superhero. I started work and did my list and have really got through so much and even more things that were on my list for tomorrow. I feel amazing that I accomplished these tasks. What’s one thing you can say to yourself to change your day?